Chris Jericho takes a NASTY bump off the Ladder, having the bottom corner of It to go right into his anus. He would later describe the feeling as "being rap**d by Robocop" (WWE Unforgiven 2004)
/r/OSWReview: OSW Review - Good Times With Old Wrestling! - Old School Wrestling Review is a comedy documentary-style video series chronologically critiquing wrestling storylines PPV by PPV. Join your favourite irish lads Jay, V1 & OOC for some good times with old wrestling! - July 10, 2022 - 00:46
/r/SquaredCircle: r/SquaredCircle - Reddit's largest professional wrestling community. Join us to discuss WWE, AEW, NJPW, ChocoPro, Impact, GCW, Stardom and every other promotion, past and present. - July 9, 2022 - 18:11