Gill porn
/r/Mushrooms: ALL THINGS MUSHROOM - #***All About Mushrooms*** See /r/Mycoporn for hi-res pics and /r/Mycology for all things fungal (not *just* mushrooms). - June 4, 2021 - 22:12
The wind hitting this beach bar
/r/mildlysatisfying: For the subtle things that are, you know, mildly satisfying stuff - This is the subreddit is dedicated to posting specifically things that satisfy you in a day to day basis. The aim is to share things the little victories that you encounter every day, but they're just to mild to share with everyone. Things that are **mildly satisfying**.. - June 4, 2021 - 19:41
/r/sharedwithlove: sharedwithlove - Reddit posts and other things I'd like to share with the women I love, Carmen Bishop. - June 4, 2021 - 18:33
/r/universefucker666: universefucker666 - Very neat links - June 4, 2021 - 18:19
/r/Anenome: Anenome's Subreddit - My subreddit for things that interest me, enjoy :) - June 4, 2021 - 18:04
/r/Ideathon: Ideathon - Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas seen across Reddit, both simple or complex - Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas, simple or complex. Ideas that often make people exclaim, "wow that is cool!" or "why didn't I think of that" or "we really need that" - June 4, 2021 - 17:50
/r/cakebeans: cakebeans - This community is meant for my girlfriend and I to share funny and cute content. This is a community that focuses on funny and cute pictures. Generally related to animals but, can be movie or show, podcast, youtube, social media trend related. - June 4, 2021 - 17:27
/r/whoahdude: Dude, wrong sub - How high are you? - June 4, 2021 - 17:21
Ветровые волны
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - June 4, 2021 - 18:13
We need something like this in Oklahoma, cuz, you know, WIND
/r/oklahoma: Oklahoma, Imagine That! - Welcome to the subreddit for the State of Oklahoma. Please remember to go vote in the Oklahoma Primary on June 28th and the General Election on November 8th. - June 4, 2021 - 17:34
You guys thinking what I’m thinking?
/r/PsilocybinMushrooms: Psilocybin Mushrooms - Welcome to /r/PsilocybinMushrooms, For those of you who want to discuss Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, that contain the psychedelic drugs psilocybin and psilocin. - June 4, 2021 - 16:45
Such natural motions
/r/OddlyArousing: Oddly Arousing Stuff - Does it have luscious curves? Does it jiggle or move smoothly? Does it look like it might be bursting with pleasure? Does it give you that familiar tingling sensation of arousal, even though it isn't inherently sexual? Then this is where it belongs! - June 4, 2021 - 15:58
This ceiling goes with the flow
/r/ImpressiveStuff: Impressive GIFs, Videos and Content from all around the solar system. - Impressive GIFs, Videos, Images and Articles. All the amazing stuff at one Impressive Sub. - June 21, 2019 - 14:25
When the wind hits the ceiling of this beach bar
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - April 30, 2019 - 18:15
/r/oddlymesmerizing: Relax your mind - A place to be mesmerized. - April 30, 2019 - 14:38
/r/oddlysatisfying: Oddly Satisfying - For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying. - March 16, 2019 - 10:05
/r/ofcoursethatsathing: When a subreddit makes you think "of COURSE that's a thing" - For all the things that make you go "Of COURSE that's a thing" - January 10, 2019 - 18:06
/r/awesome: Awesome - For everything that is awesome! - August 6, 2018 - 02:19
/r/noisygifs: Noisy Gifs - August 5, 2018 - 23:40
/r/blackmagicfuckery: Black Magic Fuckery - Anything that clearly has no other explanation but no good voodoo black magic fuckery. - August 5, 2018 - 20:13
/r/topofreddit: All the top reddit posts - All the top reddit posts - August 5, 2018 - 20:01
/r/mildlyvagina: Mild Vaginas - A subreddit for all things which at least slightly resemble a vagina. - August 5, 2018 - 18:21
/r/Cinemagraphs: Elegant gifs for a more civilized age. - Cinemagraphs are living photographs, seamlessly put together usually in gif or webm format. - August 5, 2018 - 17:27
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - August 5, 2018 - 16:51
Wait till the wind stops
/r/howtokeepanidiotbusy: How to Keep an Idiot Busy - Post GIFs that would keep an idiot busy. For example something that seems to have an end but keeps looping. You can look at our top posts for more examples to know what to post - April 30, 2019 - 14:28
How the wind hits this beach bar
/r/Honkyandthebadger: This is for the hunky and badger worldwide consortium - March 15, 2019 - 21:37
/r/Satisfyingasfuck: So apparently satisfying - That shit felt so good. - March 15, 2019 - 21:20
/r/trippy: Trippy stuff, Eye candy - Things that remind you of your last trip. Psychedelic videos, music and images. Fractals, music visualizers, projection visuals, mandalas, 3D strange attractors and visionary art. Things you'd like to remember on your next trip. - March 15, 2019 - 20:28
/r/Currentlytripping: Currently Tripping - Are you currently tripping? You might enjoy some of these pics, gifs, videos, music or web-tools posted to this subreddit. - March 15, 2019 - 19:01
Tripping at brunch here.
/r/Psychedelics: Psychedelics. Discussing natural and synthetic friends. Science, News, Life, Trends, and Trips. - Serious and casual discussion of psychedelic substances. - March 15, 2019 - 21:33
Stare at this long enough and find the Name of the Wind
/r/KingkillerChronicle: Kingkiller Chronicle - This subreddit is dedicated to everything related to The Kingkiller Chronicle, a fantasy trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss, telling the biography of "Kvothe", an adventurer, arcanist and musician. - January 20, 2019 - 18:56
Sitting under a mushroom
/r/MushroomPorn: MushroomPorn - High Res Images of Mushrooms - August 7, 2018 - 21:21
/r/mycology: mycology: mushroom hunting, fungi, myco-porn, cultivation - for the love of fungi :: hunting, foraging, cultivation, images( mycoporn ), research, questions & general discussion - August 5, 2018 - 17:32
Design - Such a great way to turn an ocean breeze into art
/r/NoSillySuffix: No Silly Suffix - Posts from the network of subreddits which uses that ridiculous suffix. - August 6, 2018 - 00:28
This just makes me even more satisfied every loop
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - August 5, 2018 - 21:01
Tripping under a mushroom 🍄
/r/shrooms: Shrooms and the Psychedelic Experience - A place to discuss the growing, hunting, and the experience of magical fungi. Primarily concerned with psilocybin containing mushrooms, but all psychoactive species are welcome. - August 5, 2018 - 18:24