C'mon, you can do it 💪
/r/thingstoshowmykids: Reddit posts we can share with our children - For a few years now, I've been saving Reddit posts to share with my kids. This sub will be a place to share all of our favourite child-friendly posts across multiple domains such as people and animals doing silly/amazing things, the wonders of nature, or anything else that's worth sharing with our kids. - July 15, 2017 - 17:05
/r/MemezForDayz: Memez for Dayz - **Meme**z ^for ~~D~~*a*~~y~~*z* - July 15, 2017 - 10:36
/r/funny: funny - Welcome to r/Funny, Reddit's largest humour depository. - July 15, 2017 - 09:58
/r/enlightenment: /r/enlightenment - for thought-provoking discussion - What is enlightenment and what brings enlightenment? This subreddit is for thought-provoking discussion around the idea and experience of Enlightenment. - July 15, 2017 - 15:39