NXT recruit attempts a Kokeshi.
/r/Wrasslin: Wrestling Memes, Fanart and Videos - First up brother anything goes brother! Whatever you saw on /r/SquaredCircle about 'rules' that's just business. But here.... nope. Total anarchy! Feel the karma flow throoougghhh you! Post links to images, memes, and gifs that make fun of wrestling, and make wrestling fun. - June 1, 2017 - 11:47
I'm not sure that's how you use that
/r/curlsinthesquatrack: That's what they were made for right? - A place where people can post humorous or rage inspired videos, gifs, stories, etc. about silly people doing silly things in the gym. - June 1, 2017 - 09:02
Is this correct?
/r/MuscleConfusion: Muscle Confusion - This is muscle confusion to the max. This Sub-Reddit is for anything you see at the gym and say "I don't think that machine is meant to be used that way". All the gifs here should make you at least smile, if not then just don't post it. - June 1, 2017 - 01:49