Kernal sandies
/r/WalmartCelebrities: The subreddit for off-brand celebrity doppelgangers - This is a subreddit for images/gifs/videos of people who look or act like off-brand versions of celebrities or other well known characters. The posts can range from near-perfect look-alikes/doppelgangers/doubles through to terrible knock-off versions of the celebrities/characters, as long as there is some resemblance. we also allow actual photos of celebrities in walmarts. - March 19, 2020 - 15:02
Sorry grampy had to do it
/r/McMansionHell: McMansion Hell - A subreddit about large, cheaply built, suburban homes with design flaws and a lack of architectural integrity also known as “McMansions” On Thursday’s we celebrate the opposite: good suburban architectural design - March 19, 2020 - 12:37