(+13154) Despite a reputation for stupidity, the Shoebill is a masterful hunter
/r/eddit6yearsago: Reddit 6 Years Ago - See the top posts on Reddit from exactly 6 years ago today. - July 25, 2022 - 12:07
The Shoebill masterfully stalking his prey
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - November 4, 2016 - 12:09
/r/newsokur: ニュー速R - ニュー速R(ニュース速報@Reddit)は様々なニュースや話題を扱う掲示板(サブレディット)です。 Newsokur (Breaking News on Reddit) is a subreddit for Japanese news and various other topics. - August 26, 2016 - 11:20
/r/2meirl4meirl: when things get too real for meirl - For relatable posts that are too real for /r/meirl or /r/me_irl. Meaning jokes/posts about mental health issues and self deprecating humour. - July 29, 2016 - 03:45
Shoebills are master hunters
/r/ShoebillStorks: A place to share anything related to the Shoebill. - The unmistakable, prehistoric-looking Shoebill Stork - Balaeniceps rex; is one of the most impressive birds to be found in Africa. A mysterious inhabitant of impenetrable marshes, indeed the shoebill’s defiantly unusual appearance this bird has baffled taxonomists. The shoebills range is a broken distribution in tropical east Africa from Sudan and western Ethiopia to Zambia. - July 25, 2016 - 05:06