The Red Fox's adaptability and resourcefulness have earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning. Also, a fox's tail is called a "brush".
/r/Pleelb: Pleelb - For Pleelbs only - December 30, 2020 - 10:10
/r/Honkyandthebadger: This is for the hunky and badger worldwide consortium - August 19, 2020 - 22:00
/r/TheAbditory: TheAbditory - An abditory is a place where important articles are kept. Our podcast, Foofaraw, peruses through this subreddit to discuss its content. - August 19, 2020 - 18:14
/r/EverythingFoxes: Daily Dose of Foxes - A subreddit for everything about foxes. Whether it be a pic you just snapped or your favorite mug, it's all welcome here! - August 19, 2020 - 15:54
/r/GoodRisingTweets: Good Rising Posts - Spicy new tweet material. This is an algorithmic subreddit based on my own algorithm for classifying posts of interest to me. Subreddits included fall into rough categories: 1) Left-wing stuff 2) Nerdy stuff 3) Newsy stuff 4) Big subs / Mainstream / Memes. Most new posts here are 15-60 minutes old. - August 19, 2020 - 13:03
/r/Awwducational: Awwducational - August 19, 2020 - 11:43
Do fox tails count?
/r/bottlebrush: Cats with bottlebrush tails - Cats with tails that look like a bottle brush. Puffed, floofy, bristle, squirrel tail, poofy, bog brush, chrysanthebum, flessenborstel - August 21, 2020 - 14:30