What’s the matter, never taken a shortcut before?
/r/bloodandicecream: Anything to do with the Pegg/Frost/Wright universe! - Anything relating to the "Blood and Ice Cream" or "Three Flavours Cornetto" trilogy - that is, the films *Shaun of the Dead*, *Hot Fuzz* and *The World's End*, all directed by Edgar Wright, written by Wright and Simon Pegg, produced by Nira Park, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost. - January 7, 2021 - 16:19
Haha, f*ck this guy
/r/AccidentalSlapStick: Accidental Slapstick - Comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly. - January 7, 2021 - 16:03
Human loony tunes. Gender Reveal time!!!
/r/mesodumb: mesodumb - What seemed like a good idea, that is a facepalm, embarassing, painful or goofy moments - January 7, 2021 - 12:31
Just a series of hilarious events...
/r/Wellthatsucks: Well... That sucks... - For everything that happens in everyday life that makes you say "well, that sucks" - October 6, 2020 - 06:45
/r/nonono: People breaking valuable things - /r/nonono is a subreddit for videos of people breaking valuable things, and of reactions to people breaking valuable things. Videos that focus on serious personal injury will be removed. - October 7, 2019 - 08:52
He will make a great stepdad with those reflexes
/r/Stepdadreflexes: Step Dad Reflexes - Step-dad reflex: an adult either accidentally harming a child, reacting way too late to keep the child from getting hurt, or placing a child in a situation that you know goddamn well mom is going to be mad about when she sees the video. - October 7, 2019 - 15:04
Так всё и задумывалось 🤣
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - October 7, 2019 - 05:57
Gender be like: Aight I’m boutta head out
/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns: If youre memes and im memes then whos transing yhe plane - Trans people making fun of themselves, others, and the situations they find themselves in with memes and gifs. For more detailed descriptions of the rules and posting guidelines, check out the wiki - October 7, 2019 - 02:15