🔥 Hummingbird chicks are the size of your fingernail
/r/EcoNewsNetwork: All things eco - Information, appreciation, discussion, links to articles, websites, images, videos, from reputable sites - content that supports and celebrates nature, her creatures, interspecies relationships, and their protection for future generations. Thinking ahead for the next 5 billion years. - July 12, 2022 - 12:18
/r/Snorkblot: Snorkblot - We provide a mix of content designed to spark great conversation, promote civil debate, and relieve boredom. - July 12, 2022 - 05:21
/r/illegallysmolbirbs: illegallysmolbirbs - We all love birbs and it is up to us to make sure that crimes committed against humanity by our feathery friends are recorded for posterity. The overall goal of this subreddit is to provide a safe place to post and discuss the most criminal elements of the sky: smol birbs. - July 12, 2022 - 03:55
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - July 12, 2022 - 03:10
/r/TinyUnits: The Tiniest of Units!!! - A chilled out place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of tiny animals, insects & random objects you find pretty awesome. - July 12, 2022 - 03:10
/r/Videos_Uncensored_: Videos_Uncensored_ - This is a place for videos but we won't be banning people for their comments or opinions. Your first amendment rights are upheld in this sub. Try to keep it civil, don't be a Karen or a Troll, but feel free to speak your truth. - July 12, 2022 - 01:43
/r/NatureIsFuckingLit: 🔥 Nature Is Fucking Lit - We are here to appreciate the awesome majesty and incredibly cool aspects of nature. 🔥 - July 11, 2022 - 21:55