/r/FreezingFuckingCold: Freezing Fucking Cold - It's time to put some warmer clothes on and make a cup of tea, it's going to be freezing cold around here - January 11, 2020 - 20:34
/r/Instantregret: /r/Instantregret - WOW. HE INSTANTLY REGRETTED THAT. - January 11, 2020 - 16:33
/r/fargo: Fargo - Official Fargo area subreddit. Also includes broader metro area of Moorhead, West Fargo, Dilworth, and other local communities. - November 16, 2019 - 03:33
/r/cute: ᵔᴥᵔ - A place for cute stuffs. - November 15, 2019 - 14:40
/r/nope: Nope - Things that make you say "nope!" - November 14, 2019 - 17:10