Fitness enthusiast Julia K - gif
/r/HottestAbs: HottestAbs - Hottest Abs the place where you can find everything you need to tone, flex and firm that area around the middle, whether you are looking for a picture-perfect six-pack or fighting the battle of the bulge you can find insight, resources, products and reviews along with exercises, motivation, and focal points for your fitness needs. - July 9, 2022 - 17:44
/r/FitAndNatural: Pics and Videos of Fit and Strong Natural Looking Women - This is the place for good quality photos and videos of attractive **fit** women, including athletes, fitness models, dancers, figure and physique competitors, etc., who have **natural** breasts. - July 8, 2022 - 21:35
How do other women get this lean ? Do genetics play a role in this or is it something im doing wrong lol? Like advice needed im in a deficit, clean diet , weight lifting, cardio all that do i need to start looking at marcos to? I only keep up with protein and only drink water.
/r/nattyorjuice: Natty or Juice - A place away from /r/bodybuilding & /r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are on some sort of juicy substance or not. We also answer the tough fitness questions that other subs don't, can't or won't. Why not make a throwaway, upload a pic of yourself and see if people think you are **natty or on juice.** ***NOTE***: if the person you are submitting makes a living off their physique you can near guarantee that juice is involved. - July 9, 2022 - 03:16