/r/BakaNewsJP: 🦈バカニュース Baby, Please Bakanews🦈 - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc - July 17, 2019 - 11:19
/r/asianpeoplegifs: Asians have gifs too! - July 16, 2019 - 18:59
/r/OuchMyBalls: People getting hit in the testicles. - Come laugh at people getting hit in the balls! - July 15, 2019 - 19:50
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - July 14, 2019 - 21:15
/r/donthelpjustfilm: Don't help, just keep filming - A subreddit for situations where the cameraperson would rather film than assist - July 16, 2019 - 16:16