I Love The Last Duck So So Much
/r/duck: Ducks and duck enthusiasts - The subreddit for people who keep, or love, ducks. Geese also welcome. r/duck covers both domestic and wild ducks. Ducks are commonly raised for meat and eggs. This subreddit is pro-welfare. We believe that anyone who owns animals has a duty to research, and meet, their welfare needs. We have sidebar links to educational resources on duck ownership and welfare. Posts about hunting wild ducks, or recipes that use duck meat, should be directed to other subreddits. - July 31, 2022 - 01:46
/r/dashcamgifs: Dashcam videos in Gif form! - A subreddit for crazy POV gifs shot from any vehicle. this includes gopro, cellphone, drone, and helmet cams as long as they are shot from some kind of vehicle. Be sure to post Gif like format (Gif, Gfycat, etc) We currently do not accept v.reddit posts because of some issues with mobile users. please use Gfycat, Imgur, or other sites. - July 30, 2022 - 13:25
Interesting fact islands on Indonesia used to be indigenous with chickens but the island used to flood a saddle came along and gave them ducks cause ducks float chickens do not swim. I Love The Last Duck So So Much
/r/Intresting_Facts: Amazing and Weird Facts - Did You Know? Here you can find incredible and funny facts about history, science, animals, countries and much more. - July 30, 2022 - 18:27