Guardians Of The Tube
/r/Birates: Birates - Bisexual Pirates - A place for bisexual individuals to share ridiculous memes, jokes, stories, and other mediums of humor centered around their unique sexuality and the awkwardness that comes with it. Just about anything goes here, as long as it's appropriate. - November 29, 2021 - 02:12
/r/Bossfight: Boss fight - Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss". - November 28, 2021 - 15:24
/r/illegallysmolanimals: illegallysmolanimals - In the Animal Justice System, smol crime offenders are sometimes the most devious, dangerous delinquents. In Sparrow Fe, California these dedicated individuals form an adorable bulwark against this plight by posting only the worst criminals so that others might straighten up and fly right. The animals are real. The sizes are smol. These are their posts. - November 26, 2021 - 20:46
/r/Eyebleach: Eyebleach - Eyebleach - November 26, 2021 - 13:53
For all of us 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🐸
/r/asexuality: asexuality - Asexuality is a sexual orientation where a person doesn't experience sexual attraction towards anyone. This is a place for asexuals, demisexuals, aromantics, gray-a's, questioning, supporters, folks just interested, and everyone in between. - November 26, 2021 - 17:26