Service pitbull training to protect his owner's head when she has a seizure
/r/BotTownAlt: BotTownAlt - November 28, 2021 - 05:53
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - July 12, 2020 - 17:36
/r/ChannitAww: Channit Aww - December 1, 2019 - 04:09
/r/wholesomegifs: Gifs for the spirit - Quality gifs that make the viewer feel good. - July 14, 2019 - 10:57
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - July 13, 2019 - 21:55
/r/BeAmazed: I bet you will Be Amazed! - A place to find amazing things. - January 27, 2018 - 23:12
/r/pitbulls: Pitbull awareness, education, love. - December 29, 2017 - 14:33
/r/pibbles: pibbles - pibbles!! - December 29, 2017 - 08:47
/r/dogswithjobs: Dogs with Jobs - This is a community for real working dogs. These are jobs or tasks a dog is specifically trained to perform such as Guide Dog, Service Dog, Herding Dog, Police Dog, Sled Dog, etc. Silly/Fake jobs are NOT allowed in our sub. Read the full rules in the sidebar before posting. - December 29, 2017 - 05:00
/r/Awww: Awww! - A subreddit with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go *awww*! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of cats, dogs, babies, or anything cute. - December 17, 2017 - 07:16
/r/topofreddit: All the top reddit posts - All the top reddit posts - August 8, 2017 - 20:31
The dog will wrap itself around your head if you're about to have a fit.
/r/rickygervais: Ricky Gervais, Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington - A subreddit for fans of comedian Ricky Gervais, and his frequent collaborators Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington - December 30, 2020 - 12:36
Service dog protects owner's head during seizure
/r/GoodRisingTweets: Good Rising Posts - Spicy new tweet material. This is an algorithmic subreddit based on my own algorithm for classifying posts of interest to me. Subreddits included fall into rough categories: 1) Left-wing stuff 2) Nerdy stuff 3) Newsy stuff 4) Big subs / Mainstream / Memes. Most new posts here are 15-60 minutes old. - October 30, 2020 - 19:01
Woof irl
/r/woof_irl: woof_irl: for the pupper in u - for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go "oh same, dog, same." - July 14, 2019 - 01:26
Служебный питбуль тренируется защищать голову своей хозяйки, когда у нее припадок
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - July 13, 2019 - 22:06
My reaction when I have split personality and one of them is a woodpecker and my dog doesn't know what to do.
/r/shittyreactiongifs: shittyreactiongifs - Every reaction gif is shitty if it's on reddit. - August 8, 2017 - 23:12
Service dog trained to protect owner's head when she has seizures
/r/goodboys: a safe place - This place is only 4 da good booooys. Bad boys not allowed. - August 8, 2017 - 20:46