Scoliosis And Kyphosis Can Also Occur In Sharks.
/r/justhanhavefun: justhanhavefun - August 29, 2022 - 00:55
/r/burgers_and_sushi: burgers_and_sushi - Hi baby 🥰 - August 28, 2022 - 18:32
/r/redditdigest: redditdigest - A bot reposts popular posts which aren't violent or political. - August 28, 2022 - 18:00
/r/SharkScience: SharkScience - The new scientific home of sharks and their habitats on Reddit. - August 28, 2022 - 17:52
/r/physicaltherapy: Topics in Physical Therapy - If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. This is a sub for practicing physical therapists to discuss cases, research, old and new tricks, or other therapy-relevant topics. Requests for advice or education regarding your personal health issues will be removed and you may be banned. These questions should be discussed directly with your physical therapist. - August 28, 2022 - 13:58
/r/sharks: Sharks are awesome! - Sharks are misunderstood creatures - often protrayed as terrifying and dangerous they are not - here we appreciate sharks and value their place in our oceans. We do not tolerate cruelty to sharks and we respect that the ocean is their world - we are just tourists. There are also very few shark attacks globally - way less than you would think. - August 28, 2022 - 11:07
/r/TheDepthsBelow: TheDepthsBelow: Because we all know there's things lurking underwater. - 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water according to NOAA. That only gives us 29% where we're safe. If an animal the size of a blue whale can disappear for months at a time, what else is down there? We're here to show you. - August 27, 2022 - 23:43
/r/lesbrowerner: lesbrowerner - August 27, 2022 - 10:49
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - August 27, 2022 - 09:08