/r/BakaNewsJP: 🦈バカニュース Baby, Please Bakanews🦈 - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc - November 30, 2019 - 22:36
/r/Thisismylifemeow: This is my life meow - When you just accept your life as a feline! - November 29, 2019 - 17:02
/r/upvotebecauseboy: Upvote Because Boy - There's nowhere else to really celebrate a scrawny guy with long hair windmilling in the winds of a hurricane with the American flag or a guy dropping a potato chip he hardly knew. Go for unconventional! It's more fun that way! - November 29, 2019 - 15:38
/r/Ladybonersgonecuddly: Lady Boners Gone Cuddly! ❤ - Images of handsome men cuddling with adorable animals. - November 29, 2019 - 12:28
/r/thisismylifenow: This is my life now - This is a subreddit with gifs or pics of people and animals accepting their uncommon situations. - November 29, 2019 - 08:01
/r/Eyebleach: Eyebleach - Eyebleach - November 29, 2019 - 14:29
/r/cats: Cats - Pictures, videos, questions, and articles featuring/about cats. - November 29, 2019 - 14:28
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - November 29, 2019 - 13:20
/r/wholesomegifs: Gifs for the spirit - Quality gifs that make the viewer feel good. - November 29, 2019 - 10:48
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - November 29, 2019 - 07:59
/r/TILI: Thanks, I love it! - Thanks, I love it! - November 29, 2019 - 09:30